To get started with the Meso Partner API and webhooks, you will need a Meso Partner ID and API Keys which you can request here.

Currently, webhooks are not self-service. Meso will work with your team to set up your webhook endpoints and provide API keys.


To use Meso webhooks, you will need to provide endpoint(s) for delivery. For both sandbox and production environments, your endpoint must:

  • be served via HTTPS
  • return a 2xx status code (typically a 200 or 202) to confirm receipt. Non-2xx status codes will be considered as failures.

Testing webhooks

To ensure your system is receiving and handling Meso webhooks correctly, you should first test against the Meso sandbox.

When testing in sandbox, you may be working with a version of your system running locally. In this case, it is recommended to use a tool such as ngrok to forward your local address (localhost) to a qualified domain. You can also use a tool such as to test incoming payloads.

Since webhooks currently require manual configuration, consider using ngrok’s custom domains or’s custom addresses features to allow for easier iteration.

Test events

You can send test events to your webhook endpoint in both sandbox and production to verify your connectivity.

To send a test event, call the notifications/test endpoint.


Payload signatures

The body of each Meso webhook is signed with your API key(s) so you can verify they originated from Meso. The signature hash is sent via the the x-signature header.

To verify the received webhook, you will need to prepare an HMAC with a SHA-256 hash of the inbound request body and compare the result to the value(s) in the signature headers.

import { timingSafeEqual, createHmac } from "crypto";

const API_KEY = "<your_api_key>";"/meso-webhooks", async (req, res) => {
  const mesoSignature = app.headers.get("x-signature");
  const signature = createHmac("sha256", API_KEY)

  // Verify signatures match
  if (timingSafeEqual(Buffer.from(mesoSignature), Buffer.from(signature))) {
    // Handle webhook payload

  // Send a 4xx response and ignore processing of the payload

Failures & Retries

A webhook delivery is considered to have failed if:

  • Meso receives a non-2xx response code
  • No response is received within 5 seconds

Upon failure, Meso will attempt to redeliver the webhook 5 more times at the following intervals:

  • 1 minute
  • 5 minutes
  • 15 minutes
  • 25 minutes
  • 60 minutes

After all retries have been exhausted, no more attempts will be made and the event cannot be recovered.


Webhook events are POST requests that will contain JSON bodies and the following request headers:

  • content-typeapplication/json
  • user-agent : meso/1.0.0
  • x-signature : A computed hash of the request body using your API key (HMAC with SHA-256 encoding)

Event ordering

Meso will make every effort to deliver events in order. However, depending on whether a delivery is retried or not, webhooks may arrive out of order. You should verify each received webhook’s event_time timestamp to ensure correct processing.