To get started with the Meso, you will need a Meso Partner ID which you can request here.

meso-js is a library for embedding Meso’s on/off-ramps in your dApp or website. The SDK is available on npm and the repo can be found on Github.

To use the SDK, you must have a partnerId which you can request here.

Take a look the example below for a quickstart. This code assumes you have a page with a Buy Crypto button. When pressed, Meso will be initiated for the user to perform a transfer.


To use Meso, you must have a partnerId which you can request here.


Once you have a partner account, you can add the SDK to your application, install it from npm.

pnpm i @meso-network/meso-js

Initiating a Transfer

When you are ready to present the user with a Transfer, call the transfer() method from the SDK. This will open an iframe on your page to guide the user through the Transfer.

import { transfer, Asset, Network } from "@meso-network/meso-js";

const { destroy } = transfer({
partnerId: "partner-id", // Your unique Meso partner ID.
sourceAmount: "100", // The amount the user will spend to perform the transfer. For on-ramping, this value will represent a value in `USD`.
destinationAsset: Asset.ETH, // The asset the user will receive in the transfer. For on-ramping, this will be a token such as `ETH` or `SOL`.
network: Network.ETHEREUM_MAINNET, // The network to use for the transfer
walletAddress: "<WALLET_ADDRESS>", // The user's wallet address
// ... other options

View the reference to see all configuration options.


Content Security Policy

meso-js can be used in most web browsers and application stacks. However, you will need to ensure your Content Security Policy (CSP) will allow Meso’s iframe and network calls from your page.

Your CSP should enable at least the following rules:

Content-Security-Policy: frame-src https://*; connect-src https://*;

Supported browsers

Meso’s on/off-ramp will work in first-party web applications. For, mobile support (such as webViews) see React Native and iOS.

Meso supports the latest versions of:

  • Chrome (Desktop, iOS, Android)

  • Safari (macOS)

  • Safari (iOS)

  • Brave, Arc, and other Chrome-like browsers

  • Firefox

If you have issues with specific browsers/environments, contact


Next.js and SSR

meso-js will not work in a server-side environment. Ensure you are deferring initialization until your client-side code is ready in the browser. In Next.js, the it is recommended you use client components.

You can also check out an example integration on Github:


All TypeScript definitions can be found in the meso-js repo.


The transfer function takes a TransferConfiguration object and returns a TransferInstance which contains the following:

destroyfunctionTears down the Meso experience and removes the injected iframe from the DOM. No further events will be dispatched once called.

Calling this method may interrupt any in flight requests or transfers so it is recommended to use it only in the case of errors.

If the transfer flow completes (regardless of transfer status), the integration will automatically be cleaned up and you do not need to call this method.
import {
  type MesoEvent,
} from "@meso-network/meso-js";

const { destroy } = transfer({
partnerId: "YOUR_PARTNER_ID", // Your unique Meso partner ID.
environment: Environment.SANDBOX, // The environment to use for the transfer (sandbox, production)
sourceAmount: "100", // The amount the user will spend to perform the transfer. For on-ramping, this value will represent a value in `USD`.
destinationAsset: Asset.ETH, // The asset the user will receive in the transfer. For on-ramping, this will be a token such as `ETH` or `SOL`.
network: Network.ETHEREUM_MAINNET, // The network to use for the transfer
walletAddress: "<WALLET_ADDRESS>", // The user's wallet address obtained at runtime by your application

  // A callback to handle events throughout the integration lifecycle
  onEvent({ kind, payload }: MesoEvent) {
    // Handle events here...
    console.log(kind, payload);

  // A callback to handle having the user verify their wallet ownership by signing a message
  async onSignMessageRequest(message: string) {
    // Have the user sign a message via their wallet and return the result.
    // It is up to you to implement message signing.


destroy(); // The Meso on/off-ramp is now removed.


The transfer method exported from the SDK allows the following configuration options.

partnerId (required)stringYour unique Meso Partner ID.
environment (required)EnvironmentThe environment to use for the transfer.
sourceAmountstringThe amount the user will spend to perform the transfer. For on-ramping, this value will represent a value in USD.

This value is a stringified float.

- "100"100<br/>"100.00"100<br />- `"100.00"` → 100
- "25.50"→ $25.50
destinationAmountstringThe amount the user will receive after the transfer. For on-ramping, this value will represent a value in destinationAsset.

If both sourceAmount and destinationAmount are specified, destinationAmount will take precedence.

This value is a stringified float.

- "100"100<br/>"100.00"100<br />- `"100.00"` → 100
- "25.50"→ $25.50
destinationAsset (required)AssetThe asset the user will receive in the transfer. For on-ramping, this will be a token such as ETH or SOL.
network (required)NetworkThe network to use for the transfer.
walletAddress (required)stringThe user’s wallet address.
layoutLayoutCustomize where the Meso transfer UI will render on your page.
authenticationStrategyAuthenticationStrategyDetermines the authentication mechanism for users to perform a transfer.

onSignMessageRequest (required)onSignMessageRequest callbackA callback function that is fired when you need to have the user authenticate via their wallet.

This callback will not fire if your authenticationStrategy is set to BYPASS_WALLET_VERIFICATION.
onEventonEvent callbackAn optional handler to notify you when an event or error occurs. This is useful for tracking the state of the user through the experience.


The Meso environment to be used for the Transfer. See Environments for more.

  • SANDBOX – This uses fake assets and stubbed onboarding data for you to test your integration. No funds are moved in this environment.

  • PRODUCTION – This uses real assets, funds, and KYC/user data to perform transfers.


A crypto asset (token) reference.

  • ETH

  • SOL

  • USDC

  • POL


The network the transfer will run on. Currently, only mainnet is supported.








The Layout allows you to provide position and offset values to determine where in the viewport the Meso transfer will render.

Note: Onboarding flows are unaffected by this configuration and will always be centered in the viewport.

  • position: Position – The placement of the Meso transfer UI within the viewport

  • offset - A single pixel value or an object where both horizontal and vertical axes can be specified.

const layout: Layout = { position: Position.TOP_LEFT };


  • TOP_RIGHT (default)






Depending on your integration, you may have different requirements for users authenticating with Meso. In all scenarios, the user will still be required to perform two-factor authentication (2FA) and, in some cases provide email/password.

  • WALLET_VERIFICATION (default) - The user will be required to sign a message to verify ownership of the wallet.

  • HEADLESS_WALLET_VERIFICATION - In cases such as embedded wallets, message signing may need be transparent to the user. In these cases, passing will allow you to perform message signing yourself in the background.

  • BYPASS_WALLET_VERIFICATION - In the case where pre-deployment smart contract wallets are being used and wallet verification cannot be performed, you can skip wallet verification altogether and rely on Meso’s other authentication mechanisms (such as two-factor auth).


The onSignMessageRequest callback will be fired when the user needs to sign a message to verify ownership of their wallet.

The function takes a message as a string and you are required to return the signed message or undefined if the user rejects the signing or if there is an error.

⚡️ You will have to implement your own signing function.

onSignMessageRequest(async (message: string) => {
  // Have the user sign a message via their wallet and return the result.
  // It is up to you to implement message signing.
  const result = await signMessage(message);

  if (result.isOk()) {
    return result;

  return undefined;



An optional handler to notify you when an event or error occurs. This is useful for tracking the state of the user through the experience.

onEvent((event: MesoEvent) => {
  switch (kind) {
    // The transfer has been approved and will go through, however funds have not yet moved.
    case EventKind.TRANSFER_APPROVED:

    // The transfer has been finalized and the assets have been transferred.
    case EventKind.TRANSFER_COMPLETE:

    // There was an issue with the provided configuration

    // The `network` provided in the configuration is not supported

    // The `destinationAsset` provided in the configuration is not supported

    // A general error has occurred
    case EventKind.ERROR:

    case EventKind.READY:
      console.log("The Meso experience is ready.");

    case EventKind.CLOSE:
      console.log("Meso experience closed.");


See MesoEvent for more.


The MesoEvent type contains a kind and, if required, a typed payload.

TRANSFER_APPROVED{ transfer: Transfer }Received when a transfer is approved.

status: TransferStatus.APPROVED
TRANSFER_COMPLETE{ transfer: Transfer }Received when a transfer is complete.

status TransferStatus.COMPLETE
CONFIGURATION_ERROR{ error: MesoError }An error occurred with the initial configuration.

See MesoError
UNSUPPORTED_NETWORK_ERROR{ error: MesoError }An unsupported network was provided.

See MesoError
UNSUPPORTED_ASSET_ERROR{ error: MesoError }An unsupported asset was provided.

See MesoError
ERROR{ error: MesoError }An unknown, general error occurs.

See MesoError
READYThe Meso iframe is loaded and ready to use. Listening to this event can be helpful when orchestrating rendering/revealing the Meso frame.
Added in v0.0.82

Transfer (type)

An object representing an executed transfer.

idstringThe unique identifier for the Meso transfer. This can be used to look-up the status of the transfer or present UI to a user upon completion.
statusTransferStatusThe current status of the transfer.
updatedAtstringAn ISO-8601 date string representing when the transfer was last updated.
networkTransactionIdstringThe on-chain identifier for the transfer.

Note: This is only provided for transfers that are COMPLETE


  • APPROVED: The transfer has been approved and is pending completion. At this point, funds have not yet been moved.

  • COMPLETE: The transfer is complete and the user’s funds are available.

  • DECLINED: The transfer has failed.

  • EXECUTING: The transfer is in flight.


An error surfaced from the SDK.

messagestringA client-friendly error message.