Meso provides two environments:

  • SANDBOX - In this environment, no crypto assets are transferred and no fiat assets are moved.

  • PRODUCTION - In this environment, production networks will be used to transfer real crypto assets. Fiat assets are moved.

You can specify the environment when initializing Meso.


You can request access to the Sandbox Partner ID here, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Testing values

In sandbox, you can use the following values for testing:

  • transfer configuration

    • sourceAmount

      • "666.66" will cause onboarding to fail due to risk checks and the user will be frozen

      • "666.06" will fail the transfer with the payment being declined

  • One-Time Passcode (SMS)

    • 000000 will succeed
  • Onboarding values

    • Debit Card

      • Number: 4400000000000008

      • CVV: 435

      • Expiration Date: 12/2029

      • Taxpayer ID (last 4 digits of SSN)

      • 0000 will require the user enter a fully valid SSN (you can use 123345432).

      • Any other 4-digit combination will pass


Once you have completed your testing in the Sandbox you will need to request Production access from Meso. If you already have a unique partnerId for your project you can start the process through the existing channels established with the Meso team (e.g., Slack, Telegram, etc.) or by emailing