To get started with the Meso Partner API and webhooks, you will need a Meso Partner ID and API Keys which you can request here.

Currently, webhooks are not self-service. Meso will work with your team to set up your webhook endpoints and provide API keys.

Webhook payload

An object representing the delivered payload for each webhook.

idstringA unique identifier for the notification/webhook.

This value will begin with ocn\_.

Example: ocn_1234
event_timestringAn RFC 3339 timestamp representing when the event was created. This is the value that will denote when a webhook delivery was first attempted.

This value will not change on retried deliveries.

Example: 2017-07-21T17:32:28Z
kindenumThe type of event contained in the payload field. This is useful for handling the processing of different event payloads.

The available events are:

  • test
  • transfer_created
  • transfer_declined
  • transfer_approved
  • transfer_complete
payloadobjectUnless the kind is test, this value will contain a transfer event object.

Transfer event

Each time a transfer is created or updated, you will receive a webhook.

idstringThe unique Meso ID for the transfer
external_idstringA correlation ID that was generated by a partner at the time of a transfer
kindenumA string denoting the direction of the transfer.

  • cash_in – A fiat→crypto transfer
  • cash_out – A crypto←fiat transfer

⚠️ Currently only cash_in transfers are supported.
statusenumThe status of the transfer.

See Transfer status
created_atstringAn RFC 3339 timestamp representing when the transfer was created.

Example: 2017-07-21T17:32:28Z

Transfer status

executingThe transfer has been registered and processing has begun.
approvedThe transfer has been approved and is pending completion. At this point, funds have not yet been moved.
completeThe transfer is finalized including fiat payment and the on-chain transaction.
declinedThe transfer was declined and will not be completed.